Manual Lymphatic Drainage: The Ultimate Guide to Healing with a Touch of Detox

The wonders of Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) – it’s a gentle, non-invasive treatment, detoxifying our bodies ridding them of unwanted wastes. But be cautious, because after your first MLD session, you might experience a few surprises. Let’s dive into what to expect post-treatment.

Feeling a Bit Zapped

Ever heard the phrase, “I’m drained”? Well, after MLD, you might feel like you’ve just run a marathon in your sleep. That’s because detoxifying your body takes some serious energy, which may leave you feeling depleted for a day or two. It’s your lymphatic system kicking into high gear, working overtime to clear out the waste. Don’t worry though because you’ll be back on your feet in no time!

Remember, your lymphatic system needs a little TLC to keep things flowing smoothly. Load up on nourishing foods, drink lots of water, and catch some Zs to help you recover.

Embracing the Changes

Get ready for some bodily transformations – after all, the waste we are moving through your body needs to come out!

First, let’s talk about urine. Expect to go to the bathroom frequently as your kidneys work their magic removing excess fluid and flushing out toxins. And thanks to your liver’s detox capabilities, you might notice a few changes in the colour and consistency of your stool. It’s all part of the detox transformation and is completely normal.

But there’s more – you might notice a change in the odour of your sweat, and your skin might break out or itch. Don’t sweat it (pun intended), though – it’s just your body saying, “Out with the old, in with the new!”

Battling the Detox Flu

Sometimes, detoxing comes with a few unwanted side effects – think low-grade fevers, chills, and body aches. But these symptoms are usually short-lived and a sign that your body’s doing what it’s supposed to. Stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and maybe stock up on some cozy blankets and Netflix movies.

A Detox Delight

So, there you have it – the ins and outs of post-MLD life. Not everyone will experience these possible side effects but it is best to be informed about what might happen. And remember, the benefits far outweigh the temporary hiccups. From clearer skin to a lighter spirit, MLD is a spa day for your soul.

Find out more and book here.