Less Sodium … A Nutritional Consideration for Lymphedema

Although research linking sodium to increased symptoms of lymphedema is minimal, we do know that water tends to follow salt within the human body. Thus, an increase in salt intake can lead to an increase in fluid accumulation making lymphedema feel worse.

Here we see what Health Canada calls the “Sodium Detector.” It indicates where most of our salt intake can come from. Clearly, you see that processed foods are the leading source of salt intake and should be limited in your daily diet.

Some helpful strategies to help you reduce sodium in your diet are:

  • eat fresh, whole foods,
  • eat more homemade foods,
  • eat whole grain rice/pasta without seasoning (ie pre-packaged), make/add your own,
  • replace salt in recipes with other herbs and spices,
  • and rinse canned foods thoroughly.

As always, it is important to eat a balanced diet rich in foods that support your health and well-being. I have included two very easy recipes that are low in sodium but pack a punch of good nutrition! I hope you enjoy!

Nutritional coaching is available. Please contact Daphne at daphnecalhoun2020@gmail.com.