Another Way to Decrease Stress: MLD

At Sunnybrae Therapeutics, our therapists specialize in using manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage to help treat many conditions but did you know it can also help alleviate stress? Stress reduction involves physiological changes that can leave you feeling rejuvenated, serene, and relaxed, making it especially beneficial for individuals dealing with high-stress lifestyles, anxiety, or depression.

Decreasing stress can be achieved through various massage techniques, including MLD. By stimulating the release of endorphins and inhibiting stress hormones from being released, stress is reduced. This process involves activating the parasympathetic and autonomic nervous systems, which help initiate feelings of relaxation, decreasing our heart rate and helping us to get a good night’s sleep.

Physiological Effects of Reduced Stress

MLD massage produces several physiological effects contributing to reduced stress:

  • Decreased release of cortisol: Cortisol is a stress-related hormone released during the “fight or flight” response. While cortisol is helpful in times of threat, prolonged exposure can lead to anxiety and depression. MLD massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to inhibit cortisol release.
  • Increased release of endorphins: Endorphin release promotes feelings of happiness and calmness. Serotonin and dopamine, among others, contribute to these emotions. By stimulating the autonomic nervous system, MLD massage enhances endorphin release.

When Can Stress Reduction Help?

Reducing stress levels benefits various individuals, including those:

  • Undergoing cosmetic surgery: Our therapists use MLD massage to alleviate pain following cosmetic surgery, mitigating cortisol production and inducing relaxation.
  • Experiencing pregnancy: Pregnancy-related hormonal changes can cause anxiety and stress, which MLD massage helps alleviate while addressing common symptoms like swollen ankles.
  • Dealing with cancer-related lymphedema: Individuals with cancer-related lymphedema also benefit from stress reduction. Coping with illness can lead to increased cortisol release, exacerbating stress and anxiety. MLD massage aids in decreasing cortisol release, alleviating stress in long-term conditions like cancer-related lymphedema.

If you feel that you may benefit from this type of treatment, please don’t hesitate to contact us. To arrange a manual lymphatic drainage massage at Sunnybrae Therapeutics, call 902-425-7759. You can also book an appointment online HERE.