Standing Tall

Good posture is about more than just looking confident; it’s essential for your health and well-being. Standing up straight helps reduce the strain on your muscles, ligaments, and joints while also improving your balance, circulation, and breathing. Poor posture, on the other hand, can lead to chronic back pain, neck tension, and even headaches over time. Fortunately, with a little effort and awareness, you can improve your posture and stand up straighter in no time.

The first step to standing up straighter is becoming aware of how you currently stand. Many people don’t realize they’re slouching until someone points it out. Take a moment to observe yourself in the mirror or ask someone to take a photo of you while standing (after all, a picture is worth a thousand words!!). Notice if your shoulders are rounded forward, your head is tilted or sits ahead of your shoulders, and your spine curves excessively. Self-awareness is key to correcting your posture over time.

Proper alignment is the foundation of good posture.

Here’s some tips on how to achieve it:

  • Feet Position: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your weight evenly distributed on both feet. Keep your knees slightly bent rather than locking them.
  • Hips and Core: Tuck your pelvis slightly under, and engage your core by pulling your belly button toward your spine. This helps stabilize your lower back and prevents overarching.
  • Shoulders: Gently roll your shoulders back and down. Imagine pulling your shoulder blades toward each other and then letting them rest naturally. Avoid pushing your chest forward, which can lead to a hyper-extended spine.
  • Head and Neck: Keep your head level with your chin parallel to the floor. Avoid jutting your chin forward—think about drawing your head back so your ears align with your shoulders.

When I tell my patients to imagine pulling a string upward from the top of their heads, they see how this automatically makes them stand tall. So visualize this throughout the day.

Good posture isn’t just something you do while standing still.

It’s something you need to practice throughout your daily activities. Some of these suggestions will help you stand tall with confidence and comfort by becoming more aware of your posture and practicing.

If you’re struggling to correct your posture or experiencing chronic pain related to poor alignment, it may be helpful to book an appointment with one of our practitioners here at Sunnybrae Therapeutics. Book now or call us at (902) 425-7759. We can assess your posture, offer personalized exercises, and provide hands-on treatment to relieve tension and discomfort.